Tour Guides

Meet Our Hand Picked

Local Biblical Guides with Over 40 Years of Experience

Foteh Mickel


My name is Foteh Mickel, its a Greek name means light of God, even though its greek but originally i am from Italy my family came to the holy land during the crusader period 800 years ago. I was born 1982 and I was raised in Jerusalem. I have a BA degree in elctro mechanical engineering from the University of Jordan in Amman Jordan I worked as an engineer and my profession was renovating old buildings and churches. I was working mainly with churches till one day I went to my wife Haneen and I told her I do not want renovate old buildings and churches, from now and on I want to renovate the living stones of Jesus Christ and from 2010 I stopped doing engineering and I went to the guiding field Haneen and I have two children, a daughter her name Joelle which means Lord is God,who was born in 2011 and a baby boy. his name Samuel, and was born in 2014 Guiding for me means to bring the bible alive because as a believingChristian the bible directs our life with peace and love.

Hani Awwad


Working as Tour Guide with incoming tourists, assisting and guiding them through the various tourist places and other places of interest located in the Holy land, telling them about the historical importance and other interesting aspects of the tourist spots, focusing on Jesus ministry and his way of life in the Holy land. Most of the groups I work with are pilgrims who come and visit the Holy land commemorating Jesus life in each region, site and by reading the Holy scriptures, expanding our faith and knowledge.

Sam Makarios


Born in Nazareth in the year 1976 . Married with 2 children .Education : 1999-2001: Certificate of authorized tour guide, Haifa tourism school. 1996-1999: B.A degree in archeology and Studies of The Land of Israel, Haifa university. Experience : Tour guide, exclusively for the N.E.T Tours Agency since 2006. Tour guide for different incoming tourism agencies: Emmanuel tours, Rashid tours, 2004-2006 . Tour guide for the Israeli National Parks (archeological sites and nature reserves) 2001-2004. Interpreter for the U.N in 2001 . Personal details : I am very interested in the ancient and modern history of the holy land, archeology, theology with a strong commitment to Christianity. I am also extremely sociable. Languages :Arabic (mother tongue), bilingual in Hebrew, Fluently spoken and written: English and French.

Ruby Azraq – Abu Sada


About myself: My name is Ruby Azraq – Abu sada, I am an Israeli Arab Christian. I was born in Jerusalem , the old city , 28 May 1972. My family is a Christian family who lives in Jerusalem since 10 generations . I am married, i have three boys: Issa (yeshua), George, Michael, all of them in the university and they are good Christians , active in the church like my husband, Shibly. I am a qualified English speaking licensed tour guide from the holy land. I can suite myself to your personal needs and itinerary . I am expertise in different areas especially biblical, historical and archaeological areas. I am familiar with the places as well as with the Israeli and Arabic culture and customs and I am fluent with both languages : Hebrew and Arabic. I am ensuring an informative commentary that brings each and every place to life. I will accompany you step by step to retrace our Lord’s footsteps as well as the biblical characters and kings. We will make every step a living testimony. We will enjoy together the holiness of this land as well the richness of its history and diversity of its nature and people. I will help you to enjoy and live your heart desire of visiting the holy and at the end of the trip I will leave you with a thirst for a return trip. I am doing this Job since three years after two years of studying and 120 tours in Haifa University. Before this I had my own office for insurance and accounting. Before it I had my own center for teaching courses for women, empowering the women in our society. I have a bachelor degree in Education, I taught Hebrew as a second language for the Arabs. I worked for six years in Jonathan Kuttab law firm as his office manager. I worked also for one year as a medical secretary in Saint Joseph Hospital. While doing my job, I was a member in the General Catholic Committee as a coordinator between the Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian committees. I speak the Arabic and the Hebrew languages as mother tongue, my English is excellent , I can speak French as well and I am learning Spanish at the moment. My hobby and addiction is “studying” , I keep studying things, and this job as a Tour guide came as a coincidence, but I believe that God chose me to do this job. I registered to this course just to know more about my country. And I was the only Christian in this course, and I saw what my colleagues thought about Christianity and how they do this job as a job. I decided that when I finish this course and if I passed the exams I will quite my current job and do this mission : to receive my brothers and sisters and accompany them in their pilgrimage and make sure that they will get what they paid for , and make sure that their pilgrimage is not about stones and stories, but spiritual experience.

Eshcar Kapoya


I was born into a traditional Jewish family and grew up in the collective community of a semi-Kibbutz, in mid-south Israel. Upon completing my obligatory military service I fulfilled a childhood dream – walking the 600+ miles of the Israel National Trail, from Dan to Eilat. I didn't carry a book, only maps, and knew very little of the history of my land. A year later I left Israel with a one-way ticket to Europe. I hitchhiked from country to country meeting many people along the way. Many had something to say about Israel, both positive and negative. A year later I had an epiphany and decided to return to my homeland, and within a month I was accepted into a tour guide training course in Jerusalem. My intention was simple – I wanted to understand the story of this land. My leading question was – What in the world is going on here? I soon realized that it was a vast question with multi-dimensional answers. Even though I had no intention of becoming a tour guide at the time, I was completely absorbed in the course and became fascinated with the story of the biblical land. Shortly after that I started guiding tours for free around the Holy City, while hosting many foreign travelers. While I was doing this, I continued doing my own research, finding that with every answer there was another question, and I wasn’t stopping until I got to the bottom of it. Naturally, my questions led me (for the first time in my life) to the New Testament, where I found many missing pieces from the puzzle of the Holy Land. During my investigative studies, I came to realize that what is written, actually happened, and that the Word is true. The first time I was guiding a pilgrimage through the Holy Land, God showed me that this is my purpose. I have been successfully guiding pilgrimages and Christian study tours exclusively ever since. Today I live in the far southern desert, in a small village named Shaharut. My hobbies varies, from reading, cooking, baking, tending my garden, playing drums or guitar, as well as different projects around the house. Above all, my number one priority, is always my relationship with God.

Sleiman Rabadi


My name is Sleiman Rabadi and I am a father of two little girls. I was born into a Christian family in 1971 and lived most of my life next to the holy sites in Jerusalem . My favorite places to play were the old city streets of Jerusalem, the courtyard of the Holy Sepulcher and the terraces of the old city. While growing up in this ancient city, I started to notice the influx of pilgrims and tourists, even when I was very young. I was captivated by the different people from all over the world who came to the city, all who shared a common interest in visiting the Christian sites. Later on I realized that faith is the common thing between them all and I also began to realize my own spiritually as a result. Being born in Jerusalem and being able to visit the holy places anytime is an advantage and privilege you only realize later in life. Since Jerusalem is a place for living, studying and working for many of its indigenous people, they live another reality parallel to the pilgrims’. The moment that these two realities intersect you realize how blessed you are to be living in this holy city. You start seeing the very walls and streets differently and you realize that below the current city, 2000 years ago Jesus too lived here and eventually died and was resurrected here. The life of the city inside you moves you in a different direction, on a different journey. In my case I was blessed to join the pilgrims on their journey of faith. Each group I lead is another blessing and experience of faith in the ‘path of God’.

Yacoub Ghazzawi


I was born in Jerusalem on the 30th of March 1989, from a Christian family, I lived in Spain for 3 years studied genetic engineering, I lived one year and a half in Italy where I studied music, I am a pianist and an organist, was the organist of the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre, current organist of the celebrations of the custody of the holy land, singer (only if I have to), I speak English French Italian Spanish Arabic Hebrew and some Japanese with good knowledge of latin and Greek, I have a quote “bible is the way to Jesus who leads the way”. I chose to be a guide to show people the land where the bible we believe in and Jesus Christ who we chose to be our Savior come to life and brings with it all the gospels and New Testament to life.

Manhal Samaan


Manhal was born in Nazareth and currently lives in Jerusalem with the love of his life Karine and their children Andrina and George. He has a BA in English Linguistics and worked for 11 years as Director of Operations at the Jerusalem American International School. He started guiding tours in 2011 because of his passion for meeting people from different backgrounds with shared love of Christ, history, and the Bible. His favorite site to visit with tour groups is Capernaum, to be close to where Jesus started His ministry and performed many miracles. When not guiding, Manhal likes taking his dog for long walks in the woods next to his home, listening to podcasts about biblical history and Bible study, and watching sci-fi movies and series.

Andre Shama


Born in Nazareth in the year 1976 . Married with 2 children .Education : 1999-2001: Certificate of authorized tour guide, Haifa tourism school. 1996-1999: B.A degree in archeology and Studies of The Land of Israel, Haifa university. Experience : Tour guide, exclusively for the N.E.T Tours Agency since 2006. Tour guide for different incoming tourism agencies: Emmanuel tours, Rashid tours, 2004-2006 . Tour guide for the Israeli National Parks (archeological sites and nature reserves) 2001-2004. Interpreter for the U.N in 2001 . Personal details : I am very interested in the ancient and modern history of the holy land, archeology, theology with a strong commitment to Christianity. I am also extremely sociable. Languages :Arabic (mother tongue), bilingual in Hebrew, Fluently spoken and written: English and French.

Marcos Ruiz (Aviel)


Welcoming visitors to our compound, sharing with many of them the history of the Christ Church and its pioneers, also explaining the different models we have in display, such Jerusalem during the second Temple Period, also talking about an overview of the history of the country and Jerusalem

Yousef Khair


My name is Joseph khair I have been guiding groups in the last 20 years in the holy land I learned that this profession is like being an ambassador in your own country and should transmit my faith to all visitors , that’s what made me love my work . Beside the English language I also guide Spanish speaking groups. I will be honored the serve you if you ever visit us in Israel

Maroun Sader


My name is Maroun Sader, born November 20, 1971 in the small Galilean village of Jish. I have B.A in Geography and Middle Eastern Studies from Haifa University, and a Masters degree from FAU Erlangen/ Nuremberg in Germany. I have been a licensed tour guide since 1996, guiding fluently in both German and English. For me guiding is a passion, if not a call, I became a tour guide because I love my country and want to share my faith as a Christian guide with you. As a tour guide my belief is that the Holy Land is one of the best places on earth to come and visit to understand the Old and New Testament, learn about Judaism, Islam, History, Geography and enjoy the beautiful landscapes of this country. As a tour guide, I try to bring the Bible alive for people who look to understand it by relating it to the local culture where Jesus lived. I belong to a small Christian minority called the Maronites, that are part of an ancient Oriental Church that dates back to the forth century. Best regards Maroun Sader

Khalil Haddad


I am a Christian from Nazareth in Galilee. I have a Bachelor's degree in communication and political science and a Master's degree in Comparative Religion and Political Science. I have been guiding Christian English Speaking groups through the Holy Land since 2012.

Marika Steeg


Marika Steeg was born in Germany and was raised in Brazil by her Israeli parents. In 1984 she moved to Israel to study at the Hebrew University, where she completed a bachelor's degree in English and German Literature. Marika speaks five languages: Hebrew, English, German, Spanish and Portuguese. Completing the Israel Government Tour Guide course in 1991 enabled her to combine her languages with her passion for the Bible and the Land of Israel. As a tour guide, she aspires to give the Biblical texts a new dimension by reading and living the scripture in every breath you take, and every step you make.

Olga Smoldyreva


I was born in Russia and got my degrees, got married, and gave birth to my firstborn son there. Professionally, I started working as a translator for an international charity organization while a fourth year student of the State University, Department of Linguistics. After I graduated I continued with the same company and became Assistant to the Supervisor of two offices. Then my first son was born and I took a long maternity leave, at the same time I was studying Law for my second degree. In 2002, I was involved in two job activities: first, I was hired as a part-time translator for the Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and, secondly, I held a full-time position as a Human Resource Manager and Legal Advisor at the Volgograd Biscuit Factory. As both of my degrees came into use, I really enjoyed the experience and challenges. In 2005, our family decided to move to Israel. Like most new immigrants, we have struggled to learn the language, get to know the culture and traditions better, adjust to the climate, and learn the Land. Since our arrival, I’ve worked as a Receptionist and Office Manager, Translator. Currently I am working at the CMJ Heritage Center as a guide.